Sunday, December 5, 2010

November 2nd

November 2nd is a huge day in our country and a day that our generation can make an enormous change. We as 20 somethings are not represented in the voting population, but we can and will have a great impact if we rise to the occasion. We here at DO YOUR PART don't care about partisanship, we just want to be represented. So get out, register, and vote!

In partnership with MTV's Rock the Vote campaign

Friday, December 3, 2010

Do Your Part

If you live in the States, are of age, and registered, get out and vote today. Otherwise you have no right to complain if the government breeds zombies to eat your children.
Plus, if you live in the state of California, you have the opportunity of a lifetime with Prop 19. You can vote on whether marijuana possession gets legalized for personal use. Cool, right? Now do I have your attention?
Although recent polls show lack of popularity behind this initiative, with even the Left taking a hands-off approach, it is an extremely important and relevant issue that directly targets you, our demographic reader and customer (here are my personal thoughts on marijuana legalization from this past 4/20).
I know politics and voting and the news and anything that Kanye didn’t art-direct is boring and seemingly inconsequential to your life, but you couldn’t be more wrong. For every vote you don’t cast, that’s another one for your parents, or your teacher, your boss, the security guard who won’t let you skate, you get the idea. Every election shows a disappointing lack of voter turnout amongst young people, and all that means is that those ancient dinosaurs you see walking around (grown-ups) are calling all the shots on what’s important for the world YOU are growing up in.
So please, VOTE. Or the zombies win.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

If you live in the United States of America, today’s post concerns you. Regardless the color of your skin, economic status, or social standing, you are either an immigrant yourself or the descendant of one. Whether you are an American citizen, on your way to getting there, or outright illegal, you are here because centuries ago, the U.S.A. opened it’s doors (and arms) to immigrants worldwide, without criteria. As inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor // Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free // The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. // Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, // I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
This country was built off the backs of immigrants, legal and illegal. Consider the European settlers who crash-landed the Mayflower, they were as undocumented and unwelcome as it got. We are all immigrants, we are all aliens, and we are all American. So why are some of us being treated differently?